It starts with a smile at his front door. And suddenly it’s four years later. Well, not to the day. But back in July 2006, I first looked into his green (I-still-say-“blue”) eyes. And it’s been a cake walk since.
I really never knew how easy a relationship could be. I had hints of it in my marriage. My ex-wife and I got along wonderfully (honestly). I just couldn’t keep up my side of the passion bargain. I had the romance down pat. Many gay guys are great with affection. Mine is. And back to that…
He and I have had a handful of arguments, what couple hasn’t. But almost daily, we are right in line with one another. I think he’s the neatest guy I’ve ever met. I can see in his eyes that he’s crazy for me.
Four years and two days ago, he asked me if it was o.k. if he fell in love with me. I said, “Sure … I’ve already fallen for you.” And two days ago, I got these at work.
I posted on Facebook (under my “real” name) a picture of the flowers with the caption: “Lucky me! I’m going to keep him…” (And I will, with pleasure). The “ahh”s rolled in as my friends commented on how beautiful the flowers were.
We’ve taken to walking in the evening three times a week for exercise in Memorial Park here in Houston – the 3 mile track around the golf course. We walk briskly around the loop: chatting a bit, laughing a little, just spending time enjoying the activity and the company.
Tonight’s one of those nights. And I’m a better man with each day that I spend with this guy of mine.